Friday 19 July 2024

July 19th

It was another warm morning at Shuart where we had another ringing session. Birds we saw during the morning included 3 Green Woodpeckers, 2 Chiffchaffs, 1 Skylark, 1 Barn Owl, 3 Common Buzzards, 1 Common Tern, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 20 Whitethroats, 16 Linnets, 1 Cetti's Warbler, 4 Blackcaps, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Greenfinch, 8 Tufted Duck, 4 Mediterranean Gulls, 1 male Marsh Harrier, 2 Sedge Warblers and 12 Reed Warblers.

Birds ringed 37: Wren 1, Chiffchaff 1, Whitethroat 15, Reed Warbler 7, Sedge Warbler 2, Great Tit 2, Cetti's Warbler 1, Blackcap 3, Reed Bunting 1, Linnet 1, Dunnock 1, Blackbird 2.

We received the very interesting ringing information of an adult male Chiffchaff we controlled at Shuart yesterday. It had originally been ringed as a male at Nanjizal, Land's End, Cornwall on 23rd April 2024 and had flown 509 km ENE.

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