Monday 30 September 2024

September 30th

On a wet and windy day I had arranged to take my car in for a service and MOT so we didn't get down to Reculver until this afternoon. In 45 minutes our highlights were 1 Little Egret, 28 Swallows flying W, 6 Chiffchaffs, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit flying W close inshore, 1 Sandwich Tern E and 1 Merlin flying in off the sea.

This afternoon I received interesting information about a first year Garden Warbler we ringed at Reculver on September 12th. It was controlled 9 days later on September 21st at Longis Reserve, Alderney, Channel Islands and had travelled 299 km SW on the first leg of it's journey to Sub-Saharan Africa. The previous controls we have had for this species were Spain and Ghana.

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