Monday, 9 August 2021

Scotland - July 30th to August 8th

As anyone who reads my blog regularly will have realised we have been away for the last ten days. We travelled up to Scotland with Matt and Marion and spent an excellent time travelling around in Wester Ross and the Highlands. 

We saw a good range of birds including Golden Eagles, Red Grouse, Sooty Shearwater, 3 species of diver and 4 species of auk. We also saw an excellent array of insects and plants as well as Bottle-nosed Dolphins and Minke Whales. 

The highlight of the trip, however, was when we walked along the Gruinard Valley and had a close encounter with a pair of hunting Golden Eagles. After flying along the Valley towards us they found a group of Red Deer on the side of the mountain and attempted to snatch a baby but were charged at by a female and had to let go. We could even hear the youngster squeal as it was attacked.

The Isle of Skye from Applecross

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